
Monday, October 11, 2010

When We Met Then ?

When We MetHave you ever thumbed through a magazine and looked at a photograph in an advertisement and thought, without the text, that would be a great picture? Framing a picture cut out from a magazine dose not always look so appealing on the wall. Luckily for all of us a trend has began that allows one to put the scissors away and go to the local art gallery. More and more commercial photographs, intentionally shot for advertisement, are being purchased to adorn the walls of homes and businesses. Originally the artistic minded photographer would dabble in commercial photography, but it was unusual for a commercial photographer to try to place pieces of work in galleries. That has finally all been changed for the better.
There is little difference between a photograph shot for a magazine and one shot for purpose of creating a fine art piece. Each photographer for whatever reason chooses to create an image to satisfy a underlying vision or inspiration. To most photographers there is no difference between commercial or fine art photographs. It is usually those that market the finished product that seem to draw the line on what is considered fine art and what is not. Thankfully that type of thinking is fast dissipating.

When last minute gift ideas are being sought, it may well be the time that photographic art in all genres shine. A trend of seeking gifts of value and longevity over those that gratify impulses and bring satisfaction for only a brief moment is on the rise. Truly we live in a time when photography has finally met the same plateau as traditional art in the market place.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Largest and most scenic wildlife sanctuaries in India

Kanha National Park is one of the largest and most scenic wildlife sanctuaries in India. Situated on the banks of the Banjaar River, Banjaar Tola encompasses two elegant camps of nine tented suites, each with its own intimate tented sitting area and its own unique identity. Overlooks the serene landscape, this property has its own unique identity and is a great destination for wildlife enthusiasts who want to feel close to nature.

Nikon Coolpix P7000 is the new point

Nikon Coolpix P7000 is the new point and shoot digital camera last generation devoted to high definition video and images, with a number of interesting components of the highest quality. Defined as Nikon’s First Pro-Worthy Point-and-shoot Camera.

Nikon Coolpix P7000 approaches to the philosophy of the Canon G-series for which is direct competitor, the successor of the P6000 model: resolution of the sensor drops from 14.2 to 10 megapixels but better quality in low light conditions thanks to backlit CCD.

Also lost from the progenitor GPS chip for geotagging and ethernet jack so reduce the capabilities “extra” ISO of up to 12800. Can record video at 720p and 24 frames per second in both stereo microphone input, the zoom is 7.1x (28-200mm F2.8-5.6). The price is $ 500, will arrive later this month.