
Monday, January 17, 2011

Dog Chinese Horoscope 2011

2011 Horoscopes 2011 provides information on Dog Chinese Horoscopes 2011
Dogs are people born in: (1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006. 2018)
Dog Equivalent Western Zodiac Sign: Libra
Dog’s Lucky Stone: Diamond
Dog’s Best Season: Autumn
Dog Chinese Forecast 2011: Chinese New Year 2011 predicts special moments for the Chinese Dog people in terms of love and family. There are chances of some improvement in the financial situation of these people in the coming Chinese New Year 2011.
Chinese Dog Horoscopes 2011 states that these people will be in full enthusiasm for facing greatest of challenges on the professional fronts. March, September and November will be the months when the Chinese Dog people will get almost everything in their favor in 2011.
Wishing all Dog people a Happy Chinese New Year 2011.
2011 zodiac, new signs, new zodiac 2011, new zodiac dates, new zodiac signs, signs, the new zodiac, zodiac dates, zodiac sign dates, zodiac signs

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